Saturday, May 5, 2007

Me’ Lidia’s orphanage

This was my second orphanage I have visited in Lesotho. It is on the out skirts of Maseru. It is run by a wonderful, magnificent woman, Me’ Lidia. This is one of the orphanages that Dee is involved in. It’s not just her who has a soft spot for the children but the children there have a soft spot for Dee. Me’ Lidia is a social worker and the orphanage is for children who have been abused sexually, male and female.
There is a wonder feeling of home (where the neighbor’s children come to play), an amazing atmosphere and a real feeling of love – this is all because of Me’ Lidia. If you think these children haven’t been through enough, at the start of March the orphanage burnt down (It was a warm day and the kids were outside. The orphanage was Me’ Lidia’s house. Since then Me’ Lidia and the kids have been living with Me’ Lidia’s mother. This house is tiny, only two bedrooms, they have since received a porter cabin. There are talks of funding for a building for the new orphanage. Through Me’ Dee I hope to do a lot for this Orphanage.

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