Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Broken Bakkie

Oh I am so stupid sometimes…. I had to go up the north of the country last Wednesday so I took the mission’s bakkie (pick-up truck). After my day of touring I pulled into the local petrol station to fill up. I couldn’t get hold of Fr. Tim so I asked the guy at the pump if it took petrol or diesel – after a lot of smelling stuff he decided diesel. So 5 min later I found myself at the side of the road with a broken bakkie and no credit on my phone! This would have all been fine except it was getting dark (you don’t be outside in the dark in this country!) Just before I started panicking Bethanne phoned. She and Sarah B were running around trying to get credit for me and text me the number so I could send out a few SOS’s……….
Fr. Tim to the rescue…….we got towed to a garage which cleaned the engine and the bakkie was back to normal the very next day!

1 comment:

Trish said...

Oh man, you were so lucky!
Whats the story with the king? Are you a diplomat now or something...wow kindof cool